홍송남 교수 (한양대)

Introduction to Information Theory 1:
Fundamentals of Information Theory

이시현 교수 (KAIST)

Introduction to Information Theory 2:
Information Theory in Communication and Data Compression

신원용 교수 (연세대)

Introduction to Graph Learning 1:
Graph Signal Processing for ML

정혜원 교수 (KAIST)

Introduction to Graph Learning 2:
Graph Matching: Fundamental Limits and Efficient Algorithms

김용준 교수 (POSTECH)

Transformer for Communications

곽정호 교수 (DGIST)

Resource Management for AI-Native Networks

소진현 교수 (DGIST)

Federated Learning

이남윤 교수 (고려대)

Gradient Sign Information is All You Need for Distributed Learning